Enhance quality in education program - 2021
We are helping schools to turn challenges to opportunities
Mature services with instant added value

1:1 methodology
"1:1 educational computing", a methodology in which each pupil in the class has her/his own computer, which they use to participate in the learning activities. The students become active participants in their personal learning and educational events as well as creators of their own “artifacts.
Teams Jump Start
Teachers; the figure behind every student, the
helping hand to any question, the push towards
success, the support behind every idea. The success
of this model derives from the teachers and their
collaboration. They implement the methodologies,
they train, they learn, they practice and ultimately
evolve the education process for their students. Of
course, the schools implement the guidelines but it
is the teachers that inspire students and have to
deliver this through fruitful collaboration and ongoing
exchange of expertise.